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Komodo Island - Zurassic Park in Indonesia

Posted by Bayu Friday, July 3, 2009

Komodo is situated approximately 200 nautical miles (370 Km's) east of Bali between the islands of Flores and Sumbawa. Komodo's symbol of international fame is it's dragons, the world's largest living lizard. Indonesia declared Komodo as a National Park in 1980, and in 1992 it was declared a World Heritage Site. It protects 239,000 hectares including 75,000 hectares of land on four major and numerous minor islands.

As with most of Indonesia, Komodo rises up from a volcanic region of tectonic uplift, rising between two great continental plates. This string of volcanic islands of Eastern Indonesia make up the south western reaches of what is known as the "Ring of Fire". Both above and below the sea, Komodo represents a unique range of geological and biological diversity. On shore it is an amazing museum diorama of the Mesozoic era - dry tundra and reptilian supremacy. With densly wooded valleys, rich with bird and terrestrial life.

In addition to the world famous Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis), the larger inhabitants are buffalos, Rusu deer, monkeys, pigs, and horses. Further down the scale, indigenous frogs, snakes and lizards abound on the island, not to forget the aptly named endemic Komodo Rat. Over 150 species of birds have been identified in Komodo National Park, many of which are migratory and more representative of Australasian than Asiatic species. Distinctive species include Megapodes, Yellow-Crested Cockatoos, Imperial Pigeons, White-breasted Sea Eagles and Maleos.