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Ship Burned, the Regent Drowning Wife

Posted by Bayu Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pekanbaru - marine accidents happening again. This time, a Navy owned vessels on fire in the waters of Anabas District, Riau Islands.

Thursday (05/20/2010), the accident occurred at approximately 10:00 pm. The ship, carrying 17 passengers and members of the Navy women's Wife Regent Anabas.

"As the ship burned, wife of Regents chose to plunge into the sea and is currently still not been found," said Director of Riau Islands Police Polair Kosasih AKBP Muhammad Yasin, when confirmed.

The magistrate's wife name is unknown, jump along with two other members of the Armed Forces. In addition to eliminating the three lives, this incident also injured several passengers who cause most of the members of the TNI.

"We have yet to go to location, because quite far and are on the high seas. At least, we need a day to get to the location, "concluded Yasin.